• Training -   Most companies view training as an expense. Many resist developing training systems as a drag on profits because of the apparent cost. In businesses that rely on construction equipment, manufacturing, field service and other physical labor oriented industries, it is not just wise to employ thorough and comprehensive training; it is virtually mandated by the bottom line.  Even in environments where labor is plentiful and cheap, the loss of a single competent individual can cost multiple times the savings that result from not doing proper training.   Additionally, the costs of labor disputes, lawsuits and judgments far outweigh the investment in proper training.  Further, a well trained staff is more productive, more safety conscious and, ultimately, more profitable.

    Training produces more capable employees who are more loyal and more conscientious.  This fosters a climate of belief on the part of the company’s clients which improves customer retention.  Customers who see a company taking proper care of its employees are more inclined to believe the company also extends that care to its customers.  A properly implemented training program can divide its attention between increasing knowledge and skills for the business in several arenas.  Safety, efficiency, resource management, respect, communication and teamwork are the outcomes of well designed and implemented training programs.  Every company has hidden resources lying undiscovered in their employees.  Training programs can ferret out those resources and bring them to bear for the company and for the employee.  This serves to enhance the work experience for each employee that participates fully and helps the company maintain a safe, profitable, efficient and highly effective competitive stance in its industry.

    The adoption of training as a benefit, both for the employee and the company, has an unusual and rarely acknowledged side benefit in that it tends to foster a new paradigm for the company.   The enhanced work experience for the employees encourages them to be more responsive to customer issues and problems and reduces the rate of complaints while improving relationships with clients producing a corresponding rise in customer loyalty.

    Companies generally are responsive to profits, all else being equal, but individuals tend to respond to kindness, thoughtfulness, caring and acknowledgment.   Employees who believe they are cared about have a different mindset than those that feel slighted or ignored and they convey their feelings in all their actions both on the job and in their private lives.  The client experience is a product of direct observation, interaction, rumor and feedback.   Phenix Energy Group is committed to delivering the highest level of customer experience possible regardless of the industry and the level of customer interaction.